Six Tips On How To Save Money As A Rideshare Passenger


AKA, the thing that most passengers seem to want to know about.

6) Check both platforms.

Most folks seems to know to do this, but the reality is that the platforms offer incentives to drivers that are invisible to passengers. You may be able to take advantage. (Side note; 7 in 10 rideshare drivers are on both platforms, and both platforms do background checks now, so you are pretty much getting the same driver.)

5) Monitor your costs.

Especially if you have a consistent commute. If you know your floor, you will know when you are paying for a higher ceiling, and can maybe feel more confident about rejecting that rate and trying again.

4) Have patience with surge pricing -- but this is risky.

Eventually, all surge pricing fades -- but some drivers do not work unless it is in surge pricing, especially if the time of the request is late in the evening, or near closing times at bars. 

3) Maybe walk a little.

If you are in a peak zone and pick up location (game, concert, event, etc.), getting away from that place could cut your surge price. It's also possible that your driver will spend less time in traffic and get you moving faster. 

2) Be ready when the driver gets there.

You'll save the wait time cost. You'll also likely get a better rating from the driver.

1) Add stops rather than request multiple rides.

Just be sure that your time spent during the stops is minimized. (Especially if you want to keep your rating high.)

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