All It Takes

The start of my shift is a guy who talks, then asks me to stop at a liquor store without changing the ride. That's kind of a drag, as it can make the app start chirping at me, but so be it. He promises to give me the change from a $20 from his purchase and actually does it, so it's a decent first hour. 

That's the thing about this hustle. All it takes is one ride to make the shift good.

The end of my shift is a guy out in the cold outside of a bar, screaming at his companion profanely, tearing off her coat while ordering her around. He's under-dressed and exuding enough bad energy to honestly scare the crap out of me, and he leaves the door open under the theory that I won't drive the hell away while he moves away to berate his companion some more.

Wrong theory. I drive off and the wind acceleration closes the door. I zip off about a half mile away and cancel the ride, file a report with Uber, and more or less end the shift early from the bad vibes and adrenalin. 

That's the thing about this hustle. All it takes is one ride to make the shift bad.

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