Why I'm Not Working Tonight

 So I got the booster and the flu shot this morning, and as I suspected, I'm hurting this evening and unable to work my side hustle on one of the more lucrative nights of the week.

Here's an opinion that I haven't heard often enough in the media.

I'm angry about nearly all of this. Enraged, even.

I knew, from the second shot, that this was going to happen. Pain, fever and chills. Pretty much a given. I'm the size of a middle schooler. I have a spouse with diabetes. I don't get to avoid the side effects. I don't get to not take the shot.

I don't blame the vaccine manufacturer. It's potentially saving my life, and preventing me from giving a potentially fatal disease to my family and passengers.

But here's the fun thing about all of this...

If the ASSHATS that aren't vaccinated had gotten vaccinated?

I probably wouldn't have had to do this. At least, not so quickly.

People in other countries might not have died for me getting a third shot before they could get a first.

So the unvaccinated are taking money out of my pocket. They also routinely endanger me and my family by getting in my car without a jab or a mask. They drag my country down to their level. They offer self-serving bullshit, anti-science, and unmitigated selfishness as if they were justifiable motivations. They have blood on their hands.

I am officially tired of these people.

I am officially no longer friends with many of them.

The same way that I'm tired of the super-rich motherf****** that don't pay their taxes.

The same way that I'm tired of the folks that get their news from cyber trolls and other entities that can't be, you know, sued out of existence for knowingly publishing lies and living in bad faith.

The same way that I'm tired of people who think that politics is nothing more than heel and face promos from nothing but grifters.

The same way that I'm tired of grifters.

Tonight, I'm in pain and losing money and cleaning up the goddamned mess of grifters.


Do better.

Or, I don't know, die of the goddamned disease. 

(And if you are in Austria, get the vaccine by government dictate, or get locked in your home until the death stops happening. I don't care about your life. You don't care about mine. It's fair.)

Just do it without infecting anyone else.

Covid is a disease. 

So are the people who can get a vaccination, and choose not to.

1 comment:

Are you going to take me to my birthday?

The request comes in for a pick up off Cass Street in Trenton, which is to say the other side of the oldest operating state prison in the Un...