I'm at 52nd and Market in West Philly late at night, which is not the priciest real etate of the day. My pick up is getting off the elevated train on the north side of the intersection, and I'm coming from the south. Seeing what appears to be my passenger, I pull over to the corner and hit the hazard lights. So far, so normal.
The car behind me is an electric blue truck, and he starts flashing his high beams at me. Maybe I cost him a green light, I'm not sure. In any event, nothing to be done about that now, so I wait for the passenger to cross the street. He does, I confirm the address and recite the amenities and shut down the hazard lights, but he's lost in his headphones. His choice, no worries, it's a short ride. I check the eastbound traffic on Market, see none, and make the legal right turn on red.
I'm ten feet down the road when I hear the blue truck gun its engine, and I see my man run the red light.
I'm twenty feet down the road when I hear the crunch as the truck gets T-boned by westbound traffic.
And I'm a block away, with a passenger that has been oblivious to all of this, when I realize that making three rights to go back to the block and deliver a Nelson Muntz coup de gras would be satisfying, but probably not great for my health and safety...
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