Car Towel Peril

Lemme lick that off
This winter in New Jersey has been cold enough so that every minor amount of recipitation has inspired the local authorities to spread rock salt far and wide, so keeping your car presentable with visible lights has been a constant challenge. To solve this, I carry car and dish towels in the car and wipe down the car when I'm waiting for passengers in safe areas, as one does.

The other day while driving, I sneeze several times and absent-mindedly reach for something to clean my face while keeping my eyes on the road... which creates the lovely effect of wiping my face down with rock salt and grime.

I'd like to tell you, Dear Reader, that having learned from this experience, I learned my lesson, changed out the towels, and have made sure I have a dedicted cloth that won't touch the car, since sneezing isn't exactly a unique or unprecedented circumstance.

I'd also like to tell you that it only took one case of this happening, and not two.

I would also, of course, be lying...

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