"Where are you going?"

 It's time for a fun (fun!) reader poll for a hypothetical (as if!) situation.

You have chosen to dine at an Appleby's. You have also indulged in drinking. Sensibly, you have summoned a rideshare car. Your driver arrives, and you head towards the door, only to discover that much of what you have paid for is about to make an unwelcome repeat visit. You make it to the bushes and decorate with force, all while clutching your leftovers. 

Your rideshare driver has witnessed all of this.

What's your next move?

1) Tell the driver that you are ill and will have to cancel until you feel more secure in your containment.

2) Cancel the ride from your app without talking to the driver, because vomiting in front of a stranger is cringe.

3) Hold a single finger up to the driver to let them know that you will be totally fine in just one minute, and that they should be completely OK with transporting your noxious self.

(votes tabulating)

Containment has failed, and you are repeating your earlier performance on the same very unfortunate bushes. Your driver has silently mouthed "Aw, Hell No", canceled the ride, and has put his car into reverse. Choose your next action!

1) Be grateful that the driver did the cancel, since that did not cost you anything, and take a breath. After all, if you had gotten into the car and had a moment, that can cost hundreds of dollars and get you delisted from a platform.

2) Use your app to summon another car, with the hope that by the time they get there, you'll be able to clean yourself up and get home.

3) Stagger across the parking lot to curse at  the driver and ask "Where are you going?", because the idea that a driver might not want to take your sparkling self for a 15-minute ride in the immediate aftermath of a technicolor yawn is just something that you can not, for a moment, fathom.

Thanks for playing!

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