Lean Into It

It's Reunion Week for the local college (Princeton, you may have heard of it, feel free to say that last part with dismissive sniff)...

Which means a rather more erudite and chatty class of passenger, many of whom feel compelled to connect with their friendly neighborhood rideshare driver.

One of these souls, a bearded fellow from Michigan, someone got to the point of doing odd things for money, and disclosed that he had been paid $700 for 9 rounds of donating plasma. Which was in short supply due to the pandemic, so he felt OK about his sacrifice but it's still time to go back to the office after years of working from home, and he's got these track scars.

Me, I think I'd lean into it.

"Well, I did a lot of reading during the pandemic and got into Charles Bukowksi. You know what they say, man, the palace of wisdom can only be accessed through the road of excess. So I develop a real rager of a heroin addiction, really put in a lot of time chasing the dragon, then just (snaps fingers) quit cold turkey when I realized I wasn't going to ever feel like I did the first time I used. Haven't touched it since."

(awkward silence)

"So how did you spend your pandemic? I bet you baked some sourdough. YOU ANIMAL."

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