Supporting Your Parenting Choices

To be fair, having ice cream shows hustle
 I pick up two passengers at the local mall. It's a two stop trip, the first at a boarding school to drop off the younger one, and the second at the train station. They present as Asian, female, and split in ages, so it's not hard to presume mother and daughter. They chat amongst themselves and as it's none of my business, I focus on the road and get them where they are going to. Nothing out of the ordinary.

We get to the first destination, and they are saying their goodbyes. The elder rattles off a line of well-meaning advice cliches that the teenager is clearly not listening to, ending with:

"Don't get into cars with strangers"

Which I do not react to, because this is one of those rides where I'm quasi invisible support staff today, and will be a self-driving car tomorrow... but, um, ma'am?

You just did that. 

In front of, and with, the kid you are telling not to.

Which made me consider, but not act on, the impulse to drop my voice a few octaves, lean over salaciously, and agree with the mom while cosplaying a Bad Stranger...

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