10 Reasons Why You Can't Find A Driver

 Query from a passenger this evening: "So, why do you think people don't want to work?"

A little triggering on the wording, but the passenger seems like a decent enough fellow, and it stuck with me for the rest of the shift. So, here's a whole mess of theories.

1) Drivers found other things to do when the pandemic hit.

It's not great money, especially if you aren't in the right wheels. 

2) Drivers lost or sold their cars.

If you needed rideshare to make the payment, well, you didn't have it. Or you sold your car when the price for used wheels went through the roof.

3) They got stimulus checks and sodded off.

Well, maybe, but it's not as if those were lifetime changing money.

4) They've learned to live with less.

Honestly, everyone's expenses dropped during the pandemic. Movies, restaurants, travel -- all went down and didn't come back, especially for the lower classes.

5) They got scared by the virus. Or maybe more than scared.

If you were driving rideshare, you were at risk for getting the virus, probably more than anyone. It's not as if all of us are hardcore gamblers, or that if you got sick, you were ready to forgive the platform.

6) It got a lot worse.

Driving with a mask means that talking to passengers is hard at best, as well as being the Mask Police. (Or, if you aren't into wearing a mask yourself, getting told on by masking passengers.) There's a reason why driver ratings are going down.

7) Gas prices are up.

It changes the math. Especially if you are in the wrong kind of car in the first place.

8) Tipping is down.

You're not supposed to touch groceries or luggage, and the folks on expense accounts aren't around at the same level as before. You can still make reasonable money at this hustle, but it'll be more for bonuses and surge prices than tips, which means...

9) Riders are mad.

I get it, honestly. Especially if you are taking routine rides and seeing huge price fluctuations. Which leads me to...

10) Maybe people just don't want to work. Especially if you've been watching politics.

Imagine you were a fan of the last president, so much so that you believe what the rest of us refer to as the Big Lie. Maybe you're just home and bent and don't want to work. 

Now, imagine you aren't that person, but you are convinced the planet is trashed due to climate change and the pandemic. Maybe you're just home and don't want to work.

So... why am I out there?

Um, because I need the money. 

No matter how many of these reasons may apply...

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