A Brief Note Of Appreciation To People I Don't Write About

Occasionally, you get passengers that want to hear whackadoodle rider stories. By the way, excellent rider move, especially if it's late at night -- a driver is not going to get drowsy or you while they are telling a story.

That's a big reason why this blog exists, really. I've found it fun and mildly profitable to get value out of unvalued experiences, using it for the Com Oh Dee and ad revenue. (Click on the ads! They are targeted for my pleasure.)

When I disclose this, sometimes people want to know if I'm going to write about them, too. The answer is, well, almost never.

Why? Well, happy stories are kind of dull, honestly. I had a great conversation with someone who shares an interest with me. A passenger thought I was funny or that the car was well taken care of or that I said something meaningful. I was able to provide comfort to someone having a bad day. 

Yeah, I'm bored writing that, so I can't imagine you're going to be into reading it.

Which usually leads a few folks (OK, the fun and drunken kinds) to take it as some sort of challenge to say or do something that will make the blog...

And, well, Life Is Not A Video Game, and we don't get to both press the reset button after our over the top attempt at humor falls flat.

So if you are disappointed by me not writing about you...

Well, read the rest of the blog, and ask yourself the following question.

Are you sure you want to be in the company of the whackadoodles?

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