My last one star rider (for now)

10pm at night, temperature in the low 40s.

The ping comes in for the Trenton (NJ) airport, which is a two-gate place that's light on lines and infrastructure. Because Mercer County does not have enough to do, a police cruiser is pretty much permanently parked at the gate, mostly to deter and harass cabs and rideshare pick ups from happening at the main gate. Pickups happen about 200 feet away, with no cover, near a sign. It's dumb and underdone, but it's not as if my rideshare take is enough to risk a ticket. I go to the drop point, press the arrive button, and wait for my fare.

The phone rings. This is rarely a good sign -- courteous riders text -- and my temptation / instinct is to cancel the ride. But, well, no. It's my passenger, who sullenly tells me I went too far. I inform her that the police are parked right at the gate and give tickets, and I'm not going to risk that. She hangs up.

I see her trudge up to the car. She's wearing a mask, at least. She gets in and tells me that I can't make her walk like that, it's cold out. Strong negative attitude. I repeat the point about the police, and she then LOWERS HER MASK TO YELL about how she works there and how I wouldn't get a ticket.

I just stare at her for a three count, then forcefully tell her to put her mask back on.

We drive to her destination in thankful silence. A little under thirteen minutes, according to the app.

I drive her to her door. She leaves. I dictate the above to the app with my one star review.

My payment for this: $6.85.

No, seriously.                                                                                                              

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