Fewer Stops Than You Think

One of the small but persistent banes of a rideshare driver's existence is the multi-stop ride. As a rule of thunb, we're not making as much when we are stationary, and anything that makes us stationary is, for the most part, Bad. So when passengers want to use us to run errands, it's understandable but not ideal, especially if the amount of time between stops is More Than Zero.

The other night, a woman gets in the car with the very last second mask wear that does not fill your ride share driver with confidence. She proceeds to spend the next 10 minutes on her phone, yelling loudly enough to be heard by rideshare drivers who aren't giving her a ride, and she's got that 200-word vocabulary that just makes me silently start ticking off the number of times she uses a versatile profanity. 

So... she was going to get the three star bum's rush all along.

But that's when I peek in the rear view window because she seems suspiciously loud... yup. Chinley McChinMask, we meet again. 

And no, Dear Readers and Riders, I do not generally confront bad passengers over bad behavior. I'm usually outweighed and outnumbered, and the first rule of rideshare is get home safe. I also have windows down, a three-level mask on, and maybe even a shield. But there's no reason to tempt fate when, well, you don't have to.

So when we get to stop one and she heaves herself into her errand, I drift up a bit to find a parking spot to wait... and after checking to make sure that she hadn't left anything terribly important in the car, end the ride and cite the mask behavior with my sub-3-star review that makes sure that I won't repeat the experience with her in the unfortunate future.

Finally, a use for those stops...

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