Saving Money: The Magic Hour

Or Something
The vast majority of people that talk to me on rides aren't, it seems, flush with cash. Something about living in the Bay Area, where the housing costs infect damn near everything you buy. This is, of course, also a big reason why I'm spending my out-of-office hours Lyfting.

So passengers are surprised and happy to hear that I'm willing to share tips on how to save cash on their rideshare.

Why am I willing to help you save money when a lower fare turns into lower funds for me? Because 86% of all rideshare proceeds, according to a study I read recently and can't be bothered to cite, just comes from the base fare. So the Power Zones, Surge Prices and Chain Whatevers are really just a distraction.

Tips, on the other hand, are not. I do what I can to inspire those, because they take the hustle to actually useful levels of compensation.

Besides, the vast majority of people don't tend to stress about the cost of a fare. They are just in a hurry. Those people also aren't reading my blog. So.

In major cities, rideshare companies are trying to ensure coverage during busy times of the day. They do this, at least at the time that I'm writing this and for the entire time that I've been in the hustle, by setting a surge price that lasts for the entire hour in certain regions. (Mostly downtown. You know, where you'd expect them to be.)

So the very simple thing to do, if you notice a price that seems higher than you'd expect or want to pay and it's 58 minutes past the hour... is to try it again at 01.

Especially if 01 gets you past 9am, 7pm, or 2am. This trick might not work so good is the waiting puts you past 6am, 5pm, or midnight.

Simple, easy, and might save you 10-40% on your ride.

And if you really want to know when and where the surge prices and power zones are happening...

Well, you could always become a driver. (And I could refer you and get a very useful bounty. Let's talk.)

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