Rider Potpourri For $200

For $200, Alex
Ride share stories don't always blossom into full adventures. (This is probably a good thing) So here's a bunch of little things from the past month to clear the decks.

> Multi-stop ride from a nice woman in her '20s who hates how she looks in glasses, so she isn't wearing them. We first picked up her friend, then stopped at the liquor store. While waiting for her to emerge, I moved to a legal parking spot ten feet away, then watched as she got into someone else's car after coming out. (This is where readers of a certain age will think about Mr. Magoo, and everyone else will wonder just how old the writer of this blog is. None of your business.)

> An older rider makes a reference to turntables (there's a local store near many of my ride work that I tend to chat about) as something that she was old enough to remember, but that I was not. I then told her my age, which she refused to believe. On reassertion (and the fact that when you are the size of a middle school child, you tend not to look your age), she complimented my skin care regimen. (Note: I have no skin care regimen, assuming you don't count showering and shaving routinely...)

> An astrophysicist gets into the car. We chat and he completely concurs that the recent image of the black hole looks like the Eye of Sauron. Nice to know that actual scientists conform to your Nerding Out stereotypes, really.

> Sign outside of a McDonald's in a bad neighborhood: "Come see Grimice." The character is correctly spelled Grimace (and also makes no sense if you think about it, which you probably should not)... but I kind of like the idea of some franchise going rogue and just making a character out of a bag of dirty ice. "I'm Grim Ice, kids. Winter is coming. And everyone is going to die. Eat up."

> Multi-stop ride where the passenger has me go to a pharmacy in a bad neighborhood, then a grocery store, then back to where I picked him up. The fun part was when he asked me to not park so close to the pharmacy, because he was meeting someone in the parking lot to hand him a bag. (Side note: I don't always make a lot of eye contact with my passengers, for, you know, reasons...)

Are you going to take me to my birthday?

The request comes in for a pick up off Cass Street in Trenton, which is to say the other side of the oldest operating state prison in the Un...